
 Links and Information for the WSU Department of English Graduate Program



Graduate School Forms:


Course Offerings


Fall 2019

Spring 2020

1. 501: Seminar in Teaching Writing (DOC)

502 AMS: Teaching Writing: Theories (Olson)

2. 522 AMS: Victorian Lit (Siegel)

508 AMS: Assessment (Hillen)

3. 515: Contemporary Theories of Rhetoric (Villanueva)

544: Syntax

4. 543: Phonology

560: Critical Theories in DH (Edwards)

5. 549 AMS: 20c. British/Postcolonial (Narayanan)

580: Medieval Lit (Hanly)

6. 550: LifeWriting (Lee)

591: Anti-Oppressive Lit Pedagogy (Boyd)

7. 546: Teaching English as a Second Language (Bell)

8. 554: History of the English Language (Potts)

597: Rhetorics of the Western Hemisphere (Villanueva)






1. 501: Teaching of Writing (Buyserie)

534 AMS: Tech Prof Writing (Hillen)

2. 543: Phonology

544: Syntax

3. 514: African American Lit (Oforlea)

527: 17-18c. lit Resistance & Revolution (McAuley)

4. 584: 16th Century Lit (Hamlin)

509: Classical Rhetoric (Villanueva)

5. 597.1 AMS: Feminist Rhetorics (Wilde)

549: Irish Lit & Trauma (Potts)

6. 597.2: Political Economy (Villanueva)

595: Anthropocene (Hegglund)

7. 597.3: Lit & Rhet of War (Edwards)

561 AMS: Electronic Lit (Grigar)



Exam bibliographies:





WSU Graduate School